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Religious Complexity Produces Shallow Faith
A.W. Tozer and other wisdom from The MacDonald Files.
Building Below the Water Line
Shoring up the parts of leadership nobody (but God) sees.
Slow Faith in the Fast Lane
The applied advice of Mister Rogers, and other observations from Gordon's journal.
Leader's Insight: Six Words to Live By
Present insights from my journals and readings.
Leader's Insight: Imago Me
Creating Jesus in our own image, and other thoughts from my journal.
Leader's Insight: Real Christian Behavior
How God uses sheep from outside this fold.
When Leaders Rock the Vote
In this political season, how much should I say?
Gordon MacDonald's Fall into Grace
A painful tumble and surgery taught him some things that "were worth it all."
I Have This Feeling ...
Even non-intuitives can hone leadership instincts.
Sinkhole Syndrome
Theme of the Week: A Spiritual Workout
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