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When a Son Kills
Gene and Carol Kent had a loving family, strong faith, and a great marriage. One gunshot changed everything.
For the Fun of It
How to embrace the amazing power of saying yes
Looking the Other Way
How often do I see injustice and fail to act?
A Rested Development
Ruth Haley Barton was a driven woman—type A, busy, successful. And empty and exhausted. But then she discovered ten minutes a day that changed her life.
The Lord's Agitators
Holiness leaders were a fractious bunch, but there was vision behind their division.
Marital Drift
In pursuit of "the good life," busy couples can let everything take priority over the two most important things: God and marriage. Author David Goetz discusses how to make sure that doesn't happen.
In-Law Complaints
Also: Bedroom Discomforts
Yes, It Is About Me
What's the Big Deal with Profanity?
There’s something about the lingering effects of the words we choose to listen to.
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