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Should the Pianist be on the Payroll?
How churches should treat these types of roles.
Exceptions to Sales Tax Exemption
There are times when churches pay—or collect—sales tax.
Overseas Missions
Video: The legal issues your church needs to consider when it ministers overseas.
Seperating Fact From Fiction Regarding the 'Parking Lot Tax'
Understanding the new tax reform’s effects on employer-provided parking.
The Importance of a Legally Sound Employee Handbook
A handbook not only protects the church and its staff—it also helps create a healthy relationship between employer and employee.
Q&A: How Should Churches Respond to Threatening Messages?
What steps can be taken when a church receives various kinds of threats.
Can Social Networking Get Us Sued?
How to safeguard your church staff's use of popular communication tools.
Funding Foreign Activities
Seven legal areas that trip up churches—and how to navigate them.
When Volunteers Drive for Your Church
Tips for handling this critical area of risk-management.
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