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The Harpooner’s Calm
The metaphors that Jesus used for the life of discipleship are images of the small and the quiet.
Christmas Shame
The year we had no tree, mother planted within me a seed of discontent with all cultural displays of religion.
“Listen Yahweh”
The Elizabethan rhythms in most translations of the Psalms hide the fact that these are not the prayers of nice people.
Lashed to the Mast
The Pastor's Sabbath
If we do not regularly quit work for one day a week, we take ourselves far too seriously.
The Unbusy Pastor
The word busy is the symptom not of commitment but of betrayal.
Curing Souls: the Forgotten Art
In the bustle of running a church, something essential has been overlooked.
A Pastor's Quarrel with God
In ministry, you sometimes find yourself questioning God's grand scheme.
Holy Saturday
Part three of The Great Reversal, a CT Classic article
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