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New Ownership
Missional is more than a trend as today's Christians recover an old calling.
Preaching by Faith and by Sight
How churches are adapting to the visual revolution.
Preaching to the Holiday-Only Worship Attenders
Why pull out all the stops for people who attend once a year?
Let The Children Pray
Brooklyn Tabernacle's best kept secret--the children's prayer meeting.
Pinched Paychecks
Survey: Pastors, church staff nationwide see slight pay declines.
The Isolation Generation
Excessive Internet use, online gaming, and porn are rewiring the male brain
Cookie Cutter Community
Distressed by consumer Christianity, this church razed the ministries enjoyed by so many for so Iong—and started over.
What We Value Assessment Pack
Does your congregation know what your church values?
Building an Evangelistic Church
How to guide your church and your leaders into more effective evangelism.
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