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Finding the Grace Gates
How "lead worshiper" Joseph Garlington helps people recognize holy moments and encounter God.
Making Our Own Way
Our childhood Christmas traditions didn't work for us. But why was finding new ones so difficult?
Chocolate? No, TV
Our unusual Lenten fast.
“Jesus Kidnapped!”
That's how Advent feels to me some years.
Leader's Insight: Is Ministry Leadership Different?
Andy Stanley and Jim Collins in an unexpected point-counterpoint.
Leader's Insight: Who Will Save Thanksgiving?
This Holy Day is trampled in the Christmas rush.
Leader's Insight: A Broad and Diverse Bloc
New research shows five kinds of Christians in America.
Can I Trust You?
Pastoral teams are still trying to bridge the generation gap.
Trouble Brewing
Is a relaxed attitude toward alcohol among clergy leading to a new battle over prohibition?
Wounded & Dangerous
This church takes a hit, then comes out fighting. Can they ever find peace?
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