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Maniac or Martyr?
Two centuries after his birth, John Brown remains a divisive figure
New Stabs at Old Wounds
Why Northern Ireland doesn't always love a parade.
Sacrifice at Sea
The story that wasn't in James Cameron's Titanic.
The Saga of St. Chad
A tale of political maneuvers and positioning. Sound familiar?
Peace on Earth?
Christmas Carols and the Civil War
Festive Flora
Deck the halls with boughs of pagan signifigance, falalalala, lalalala.
Singing the Old, Old Story
Hymns are one of the only remaining doors for the church's past to enter congregational life
This Is Your Life
Exploring the well-worn sawdust trail between fundamentalists and evangelicals
Dangerous Myth-Conceptions
A new book traces the origins of historical misunderstandings about Christianity.
Maximize Your Learning
Six tips for doing your best.
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