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Knowing God’s Love is Impossible
At least for us. But for God, nothing is impossible.
God Works Within Us and Beyond Us
It’s surprisingly hard to remember that “our” ministry is actually God’s doing.
Zeal Flips Tables
Jesus wasn't always Mr. Nice Guy. Church leaders shouldn't be either.
What Emanuel AME Taught Us About God's Unrelenting Love
They remain his set-apart people, no matter who sets upon them.
What the Church Says to Terrible People
‘Welcome to the club.’
Is the Body That ‘Betrayed’ Me Still ‘Very Good’?
What the incarnation affirms about the reality of God's creation.
Are You More Loving Than God?
Let's be real. Many of us think we can do it better.
The God of Good Manners?
It’s easy to forget that God is both kingly and courteous.
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