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What We Mean When We Say 'Orthodox Christianity'
James K.A. Smith wants to focus on the creeds, not sexuality. But there's more to it than that.
The Lord's Supper Is a Rehearsal Dinner
When we partake in communion, we're practicing for something big.
How God Keeps it Together
When our life unravels, He holds the threads.
The Cynic’s Guide to Sin
We’re not surprised when people fail us. But should we be?
The Loving Father Who Judges?
Peter sees no conflict with God’s compassion and his justice.
Good News, Satan Wants to Destroy You!
It may sound weird, but knowing we have an enemy is encouraging.
Have Mercy as God Has Mercy
Mercy is what holiness looks like in the lives of God's children.
The Suffering Servant Only Makes Sense in the Context of the Trinity
The historical Christian doctrine helps us to see the goodness of God in Good Friday.
When It Comes to Sacrifice, God Doesn’t Play Fair
Humans have a penchant for sacrifice, but it’s the Lord who makes it possible.
Zeal Flips Tables
Jesus wasn't always Mr. Nice Guy. Church leaders shouldn't be either.
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