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All About The Big Step
Our children's ministry periodically offers a class for parents and kids to attend together called "The Big Step." This 90-minute event features a brief training session for parents, a salvation lesson, discussion time for kids and parents, and even a photo station to create a take-home piece to remember the evening.
The Gift
Look close. Real close. The priceless reward for everyone in children's ministry is clear: watching children, one by one, take steps in their walks with Jesus.
Warning: Curve Ahead
I learned a lesson recently while driving to work. Light snow fell as I turned onto the church drive, my first meeting set to begin in less than a minute.
The First Privilege of Parenting
Like it or not, most kids follow mom or dad's lead on faith issues.
How to Generate Volunteer "Wave Power"
Leaders should be a positive force that moves with volunteers—listening carefully when they speak, valuing their contributions, and championing their ideas.
Five Reasons to Love Today's Church
In a critical culture, it's good to focus on the good things that are still happening.
6 Considerations for Successful Leadership Duos
Find and keep the right #2 leader.
Get On the Same Page
Alignment is the key to a happy, successful team.
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