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Effective Children's Outreach
Three keys to a successful children's event.
Relax and Be Yourself
With kids it's not what you do; it's who you are.
Dangerously Tired
Are you rested enough to hear the voice of the one who calls you beloved?
Make Your Days Count
Leadership lessons from a cancer survivor about living life to the full.
Take a Deep Breath
Appreciate the breath of life by connecting with the One who is in control of all.
Treat Folks Well
What a bout with cancer taught me about caring for the people I lead.
Public Schools Are Changing. Should Your Church?
Four lessons for your children’s ministry and your adults.
Reducing the Risk: 3rd Edition (Trailer)
Nothing is more important in church than protecting its smallest members.
The Sound of Ministry
This weekend, listen to your ministry.
Never Too Big, Never Too Small—To Worship
We recently held auditions for vocalists—students who will sing beside our children's ministry worship leaders on weekends.
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