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Looking for Jesus
When we serve someone marginalized or forgotten, we actually serve Jesus.
The Miracle of Self-Leadership
There's a world of difference between spotting a need and doing something about it.
Do You "Lub" Jesus?
Don't overlook spiritual development in a child's early years.
How to be a Relational Hero
When a good relationship freezes over, someone often needs to do something out of the ordinary.
A Gift from a Church to Its Community
The best gift any church can offer to its community is found in the pews, not the collection plate.
Extend the Christmas Season
Thankfulness is a value worth instilling.
4 Reasons Volunteers Stay
Fresh data shows a valuable trait ascribed to church volunteers: commitment.
4 Qualities of Culture Builders
Build a better culture ... together.
6 Things Older Leaders Know
Leadership advice from decades of experience.
5 Ways to Build Confidence
Don’t miss these opportunities to develop talent in those you lead.
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