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Every Second Counts
Our country has an attendance problem.
Direction Along the Way
Sitting around waiting to discover God's will can paralyze your ministry
Ministry Starting Point: Own a Burden
Are you keenly aware of what drives you to do what you do?
Show People a Different Christmas This Year
Two great ways to let others see what a meaningful holiday looks like.
Gaga, Sheen, and Bell
Amid the current clamor over controversial personalities and hot blog topics, we're missing the soft voices of children in need.
What Voices Do Kids Believe?
Children's ministers and volunteers must never forget the power of words of encouragement and praise.
Leadership Lessons from a High School Prom
My wife and I knew nothing about organizing an after-prom event; but we did know how to love the volunteers we led.
Voiceless Children
Kids in need of the greatest care are often the quietest kids we know.
Penn State: A Not-So-Obvious Lesson
Instead of piling more opinion and outrage on this issue, let's examine a common-sense lesson that's easily overlooked.
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