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A Case for Prayer
Passionate, specific, persistent prayer is essential to every ministry.
Create Kingdom Moments
Give kingdom work your best effort, but make sure you create space for kingdom moments.
Four Keys to Effective Communications
Develop a lens through which to examine—plan and evaluate—communication pieces.
Does Your Team Have Vertigo?
Diagnose the symptoms—and work toward a cure.
10 Communication Tools for Leaders
Good communication lets those you lead know you value them.
5 Questions for Decision Makers
Avoid decision anxiety by answering these questions.
Leaders as Coaches
5 fundamentals for bringing out the best in your people
How to Make Your Case
Turn a vision of tomorrow into a plan others can see for themselves and join.
6 Considerations for Successful Leadership Duos
Find and keep the right #2 leader.
Get On the Same Page
Alignment is the key to a happy, successful team.
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