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CT's Concise Coronavirus Guide for Churches
Download the guide for tips on forming a plan, staying informed, and caring for those affected.
Our September Issue: The Bible in Blue
It matters what Scripture says about police.
How a Pastor Got Fired Over Cranberries
Worry about present hardships and trouble distorts our faith in God’s future.
Our Jan/Feb Issue: Tomato, Tomahto, and the Bible
If the Christmas story actually happened in a garage, would we translate it that way?
Healing Is a Foretaste of Resurrection
Vaccines feel like a miracle. How much more the real miracle of eternal life?
Post-Contemporary Worship
The Dangers that Epiphany Reveals
Lessons from the Magi on being simultaneously threatened and “overwhelmed by joy.”
Real Love Requires a Command
Strangers and enemies don't come naturally.
N. T. Wright: We Mourned Our Alleluias on Easter
The prominent theologian responds to his Time article on lament.
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