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Behold Your Mother
Why we need to teach Christians how to care for aging parents.
From Abandoned to Adopted
An Interview with Laura-Valentine Lock
Friday Five
Loving Our LGBT Neighbors . . . Without an Agenda
An Interview with Glenn Stanton
A Cop with a Pastor’s Heart
An interview with Marcos Miranda about slain New York City police officer, Rafael Ramos
The Pastoral Power of Undivided Attention
Lee Eclov on why coffee, home visits, and personal prayer will always be at the heart of ministry.
The Most Misunderstood Woman in the Bible
Why Job's wife may have gotten a bad rap
Friday Five: Michael Wear
What are evangelicals' biggest misconceptions about President Obama? We asked one who knows him well.
Friday Five Interview: Amy Simpson
How should the Church respond to mental illness? We asked the author of the new book, Troubled Minds.
Friday Five: Gary Thomas
What does the Christian culture get wrong when it comes to dating and relationships? We asked a bestselling Christian marriage and relationship expert.
Friday Five Interview: Matt Woodley
Becoming a lifelong learner of preaching.
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