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Friday Five: Gary Thomas
What does the Christian culture get wrong when it comes to dating and relationships? We asked a bestselling Christian marriage and relationship expert.
Friday Five Interview: Matt Woodley
Becoming a lifelong learner of preaching.
Friday Five Interview: Andy Crouch
Being accountable for the power you have.
Friday Five Interview: Nabeel Qureshi
A faithful Muslim finds his way to Jesus.
Friday Five Interview: Ronnie Floyd
The SBC's new president on owning and completing the Great Commission.
A Life Aligned With Love
An interview with Shawn Harrison
The Old School of Ordinary
An Interview with Michael Horton.
The Glorious Side of Darkness
A.J. Swoboda believes light is not the only place where God dwells.
Screens and Your Teens
Kathy Koch on guiding teens to use technology well.
Digging For Truth
Josh McDowell on the Bible's truthworthiness, the internet, and the future of the church
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