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Behold Your Mother
Why we need to teach Christians how to care for aging parents.
From Abandoned to Adopted
An Interview with Laura-Valentine Lock
Friday Five
Loving Our LGBT Neighbors . . . Without an Agenda
An Interview with Glenn Stanton
A Cop with a Pastor’s Heart
An interview with Marcos Miranda about slain New York City police officer, Rafael Ramos
The Pastoral Power of Undivided Attention
Lee Eclov on why coffee, home visits, and personal prayer will always be at the heart of ministry.
Friday Five Interview: D.A. Carson
What's ahead for the The Gospel Coalition and the "Young, Restless, Reformed" movement?
Friday Five Interview: Jon Acuff
Some say it's narcissistic for Christians to pursue their dreams. But one popular communicator says it's not only okay, it's a matter of discipleship.
Friday Five Interview: Bryan Loritts
How is the church doing on racial reconciliation? We asked a prominent pastor and author.
Do Christians Take Church Membership Seriously?
Thom Rainer doesn't think so.
Friday Five: Eric Mason
The church's need for intentionality to raise up godly men.
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