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The Most Misunderstood Woman in the Bible
Why Job's wife may have gotten a bad rap
Friday Five: Michael Wear
What are evangelicals' biggest misconceptions about President Obama? We asked one who knows him well.
Friday Five Interview: Amy Simpson
How should the Church respond to mental illness? We asked the author of the new book, Troubled Minds.
Friday Five: Gary Thomas
What does the Christian culture get wrong when it comes to dating and relationships? We asked a bestselling Christian marriage and relationship expert.
Friday Five Interview: Matt Woodley
Becoming a lifelong learner of preaching.
Friday Five Interview: Andy Crouch
Being accountable for the power you have.
Friday Five Interview: Nabeel Qureshi
A faithful Muslim finds his way to Jesus.
Friday Five Interview: Ronnie Floyd
The SBC's new president on owning and completing the Great Commission.
A Life Aligned With Love
An interview with Shawn Harrison
The Old School of Ordinary
An Interview with Michael Horton.
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