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Tough and Tender Moments
Life hasn't always been easy for spunky Ruth Graham. Yet the wife of evangelist Billy Graham finds her life a constant adventure. Here's why.
Help That Makes a Difference
What's the biggest change needed in how charities and federal agencies deliver aid to developing nations?
Engaging Immigration
Pursue your church’s call to welcome the stranger and serve those in need.
5 Good Ways to Welcome Strangers
It’s not illegal to care for immigrants, whatever their status.
5 Good Ways to Welcome Strangers
It’s not illegal to care for immigrants, whatever their status
Of Leadership and Motherhood
Why Am I Not Poor?
The answer suggests some ways we might combat poverty.
Peace Between Israelis and Palestinians—Really?
Why I refuse to be cynical about the current talks.
What to Do When You Don’t Know a Family’s Immigration Status
Amid the confusion over immigration laws, here are five things you should know.
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