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America's Most Consequential Battle
Allen Guelzo's compelling chronicle of Gettysburg.
The Hansen Report: Modern versus Postmodern Politics
Can differences between McCain and Obama be explained by worldview categories?
The X Factor
What we've learned from the rise, fall, and renewal of "Gen-X" ministries.
The Ancient Rise and Recent Fall of Tithing
Is yet another time-honored Christian practice fading from view?
Iraqi Christians' Path of Persecution
"Not heresy hunters, nor Islamic purges, nor even Mongol hordes could wipe Christianity from Iraq"
When Denominations Divide
The two-century-old Unitarian controversy suggests a grim prognosis for the current crisis in the Episcopal Church
Q & A: John Thune
The Republican from South Dakota, who defeated Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle last November. Daschle had taken a leading role in blocking some of President Bush's pro-life judicial nominees.
Costly Complaints
Southern Baptist pastor claims blog criticism led mission board to recommend his removal.
Influence Peddling, Extortion, or Both?
Pastor says HealthSouth founder Richard Scrushy paid for support. Scrushy denies account.
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