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The Christian DNA of Modern Genetics
Though open to frightening ethical abuse, genetics has been a Christian vocation since Gregor Mendel did his famous pea-plant experiments in the mid-nineteenth century.
When World Leaders Pray, Part II
Tony Blair's spin-doctors worried when he recently "outed" himself as a Christian. But what impact has Christianity really had on our leaders?
Thanks, Da Vinci Code …
… for sending us back to Christianity's "founding fathers"—and the Bible we share with them.
Gutenberg: A God's-Eye View
The rise, fall, and redemption of the Father of the Information Age.
Top Ten Stories of 2003 … with a Christian History Twist
Here is our review of "the Christian history that made the stories that made the news."
"Knock, knock." "Who's there?" "The Amish."
UPN's "Amish In the City" shows us our modern selves in a mirror that is positively medieval.
How to Pray for Our Troops
This Veteran's Day, let's commend our men and women of the services to the God who brings good even from the most evil circumstances.
Grateful to the Dead: The Diary of Christian History Professor
#2: "All things to all men" or "Be ye separate"?
What Has Alexandria To Do With Wheaton?
In 2007, theologians and historians gathered at Wheaton College to ask how evangelicals can learn from the witness of the early church. Now a new book offers their conclusions to a wider audience.
Top Ten 'Starter Books'
Get rooted in the Christian past with these riveting reads of primary sources.
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