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People Worth Knowing
No Little Women here
Waiting for the Bombs
How a young pastor braced his people in the fear-filled days before London's Blitz.
The Bible Alone? Not for John Calvin!
When we seek answers to churchly and societal issues in the Bible alone, citing the Reformation principle of sola scriptura, we are actually contradicting the Reformers.
St. Mugg's Wrestling Prophets, Part II: The Weird Little Dane
How a struggling soul built a bridge to Christ for those caught in the world's snares.
Holy America, Phoebe!
It swept across church lines, transforming America's urban landscape with its rescue missions and storefront churches. Yet today, the holiness movement and its charismatic woman leader are all but forgotten.
Advent: Close Encounters of a Liturgical Kind
'Tis the season when even the free-ranging revivalist pulls up a chair to the table of historic liturgy.
Dorothy Sayers: "The dogma is the drama"
People Worth Knowing
Monastic Evangelicals
The attraction of ancient spiritual disciplines.
How the Early Church Saw Heaven
The first Christians had very specific ideas about who they would meet in the afterlife.
Do Non-Charismatics 'Do' Holy Spirit Baptism?
Ask D. L. Moody, Charles G. Finney, Jonathan Edwards, or Cotton Mather.
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