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The Church is Dead...
...Long Live the Church!
Did Youth Ministry Create the Emerging Church? (Pt. 2)
Why youth ministry is the cause of, and solution to, all of the church's problems.
Obama Endorses Same Sex Marriage--Now What?
3 reasons he did, and where Christians should focus their attention.
The Divine Commodity
Today many people choose churches like they choose groceries.
Wait a Minaret!
How will your church respond to the growing influence of Islam?
The Wrong Boogeyman (Part 1)
Is the government really to blame for declining church attendance?
Skye Jethani: Tortured Conscience
A new survey shows most churchgoers support torture. What should pastors say?
Who Are the De-Churched? (Part 1)
Some are leaving the church because they've received a false gospel. Others are leaving because they've found the real one.
Lausanne Congress Days 2-3: Gospel on the Move
Cape Town delegates hear amazing stories of God's work around the world.
Skye Jethani: The Perpetuity Problem
Why we refuse to believe that God is eternal but our ministries are not.
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