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Winged Enemies
What my suburban enemy teaches us about our spiritual enemy.
Gay Rights & Religious Liberty
Can we bring the presence of Jesus Christ back into the debate?
Making the Invisible Kingdom Visible (part 1)
Why "seeking the welfare of the city" is sub-Christian at best.
Catalyst Day 1: The Green Room
Backstage at the Catalyst Labs
Lausanne Congress Day 1: History &Humility
The opening of Cape Town 2010 looks back at history and forward to heaven.
The Post-American Church (Part Uno)
"Third culture" leaders are the future of the church.
Skye Jethani: The Megachurch Bubble (Part 1)
Research shows large churches are getting larger...but for how long?
Leadership Lessons from Superman's Underpants
After 73 years of wearing his underwear on the outside, why has Superman decided to abandon his briefs?
Has Mission Become Our Idol? (Cont.)
Mission is important, but not ultimate.
The Post-American Church (Part Dos)
Despite our problems the church in the U.S. still has enormous influence.
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