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Worship Through a Child's Eyes
A 9-year-old's observations from a liturgical and a contemporary service.
The Church is Dead...
...Long Live the Church!
Did Youth Ministry Create the Emerging Church? (Pt. 2)
Why youth ministry is the cause of, and solution to, all of the church's problems.
Obama Endorses Same Sex Marriage--Now What?
3 reasons he did, and where Christians should focus their attention.
Why I Don't Tweet...
... not that there's anything wrong with it.
My 30-Day Twitter Experiment (Pt 1)
Five boundaries to keep tweets from corroding your soul.
My 30-Day Twitter Experiment (Pt 2)
Discovering the difference between "Look at me!" and "Listen to me!"
Skye Jethani: Love Justifies Itself (Part 2)
John Stott on bringing a theology of love and vocation into the justice & gospel debate.
Skye Jethani: Beauty from 9/11's Ashes
Reflections from my visit to Ground Zero.
Skye Jethani: The Wrong War on Christmas
How Christians went from opposing over-consumption at Christmas to demanding it be done in Christ's name alone.
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