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Skye Jethani: Is Tim Tebow a Hypocrite? (Part 1)
Football, Jesus, and the question of public prayer.
Young Americans Abandoning Cars and Churches
Fewer young adults have a drivers license. What does that mean for commuter churches?
Faith, Science, & the Resurrection (Part 2)
Does the Bible affirm a polymorphic universe? And what it means for the science vs. faith debate.
Ask Rob Bell Your Question
I'm interviewing him this week. What should I ask?
The Case Against Righteous Anger
It's possible to wield anger righteously, but it doesn't mean everyone can.
Matt Chandler Discusses his Brain Surgery
His perspective as "a guy who could lose everything."
Ministry Lessons From a Muslim
His unexpected message to church leaders: fully embrace your Christian identity.
Church Rater or Church Hater?
Does a new church rating website help or hurt those seeking a congregation?
How Not to Talk about Justice
If you hear "social justice" at your church, Glenn Beck says "Run!" There is another option.
Q Portland: Day One
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