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It Doesn't Hurt to Ask
How asking the right questions leads to the right decision.
Hipster Faith
To remain relevant, many evangelical pastors are following the lead of hipster trendsetters. So what happens when 'cool' meets Christ?
Wet v. Dry
"We should not be drunken, though we may be exhilarated."
Where Leaders Are Made
The tests of a true leader are often challenging—and other times, they're just kind of fun and silly.
Should Christians Smoke Medical Marijuana?
Observers weigh in on pot morality.
Faithfully Present
A film about monks and martyrdom.
Conflicted Catharsis: On ISIS and Revenge Films
In movies and in life, should Christians celebrate when villains are killed?
Hacksaw Ridge: The Bloody, True Story of Faith in Action
Mel Gibson’s new film raises questions about religious liberty and moral conviction amidst national turmoil.
Scorsese’s ‘Silence’ Asks What It Really Costs to Follow Jesus
Martin Scorsese adapts Shusaku Endo’s acclaimed novel about faith, mission, and suffering.
Finding God in the Sewers
Holocaust survivor story reveals the divine in the dark.
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