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Ask the Experts: Using Rooted Curriculum in Your Groups
Brandon Beard is the Executive Pastor of Campus Ministry at Compass Christian Church
Find the Right Leaders for the Right Spots
How to identify, recruit, and place a variety of leaders
9 Tips for a Successful First Small-Group Meeting
Easy tips to make the most of your first gathering
Small Groups Ministry in the New Reality
A discussion on the raw essentials of group ministry and practical ways to evaluate and develop a more vibrant groups ministry.
Leading Small Groups into Emotional Vulnerability
Tips for creating a warm and open group environment
Prayer Time in Small Groups
5 Ways to Keep People Engaged
Hybrid Small Groups: Factors to Consider
What's Working for Groups During the Pandemic?
Keeping members engaged means going back to the basics.
Engaging in Tough Conversations
Interpersonal communications expert Mike Bechtle shares his insights on conflict resolution.
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