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Ministry Strong
Pete Briscoe on pursuing spiritual, relational, and physical vigor.
The Relationally Grounded Pastor
An interview with Eugene Peterson
A Culture of Generosity
Creating a place where rich and poor share the same values.
Developing a Culture of Contentment
Jeff Manion on taking appropriate financial risk and cultivating a generous spirit.
Holy Tension
Creating and seizing opportunities for spiritual transformation.
Enforced Christianity
PBS reality series Colonial House tests Texas pastor's faith and witness.
Next & Level
After a bad experience with personality-based, top-down leadership, a whole new approach was needed at what is truly The Next Level Church.
Coming and Going
Two leaders. One mission. Two very different strategies.
Community Is Not the Goal
What the church can learn from a "burned-out hippie" commune.
Radical Calling
David Platt on being a pastor and a prophet, at the same time.
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