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Who Works for Whom?

The essence of the minister lies in what God has created him to be rather than in what the church authorized him to do.
John Stacey
The real work of adjusting to a new church begins after the candidating, after the hiring, and after the moving. By this time the church should know what it is getting in its new leader. The résumé tells what he or she can do. The interview may give some indication of how well he thinks on his feet. His comments about expectations and fears reveal something of his humanity and call. But only in the day-to-day shoulder-rubbing of ministry do the true dynamics of working together surface. One of the most crucial testing grounds is deciding the question of authority. Who is in charge here? And how does that authority work in practice? Ironically, structure and polity rarely decide this issue. In the business world, the question of who reports to whom pretty well settles the question. In the church, however, the organizational chart rarely reflects true power ...
    1. Does this person have the ability to do the job well?

    2. Does this person have sufficient time to give to the job?

    3. Does this person have sufficient interest in the job?

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