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How to Handle Designated Funds

The unified budget will still dominate most churches' financial structures, but we are wise to recognize this new financial reality: the rise of designated giving.
—Gary Fenton

One man, whose father was a church treasurer, told me how his father's responsibility changed rapidly during the late 1940s and early '50s.

His father had been treasurer for about ten years in a small church. During the ten-year tenure, his task had been primarily to pay the preacher, the custodian, the utility bills, and send money to the denominational office. He kept the church records in a small notebook, with a big rubber band around it, and he stored these records under the bed.

But when the church started to grow, his responsibilities as treasurer changed dramatically. People gave money to furnish the growing nursery, to buy a new organ, and some members began giving to some of the emerging parachurch groups. His father took an accounting class at the local college so he could keep up with the greater complexity. ...

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