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What Leaders Do

Captain Russell Grenfell, in The Bismarck Episode, wrote: "Every ship's chief officer followed, roughly, this procedure: Analyse the situation as it is and the way in which it developed; visualize all the possibilities; assess them to determine probabilities; estimate the strength of the forces opposed and of our resources; decide upon a general plan; communicate it to those who should know; move to carry out the plan with economy of effort and material; be sure to calculate the chances of prolongation of action; and, most important, shoot at the proper target."

We've seen that leadership demands a certain self-understanding. A grasp of what leaders are is a necessary foundation. Now come the tasks to be done.

What are the most important responsibilities of a leader?

Maintain the Vision

David Rockefeller was once quoted as saying, "The number one function of the top executive is to establish the purpose of the organization." For pastors, too, perhaps the most important job is to articulate ...

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