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The Spiritual Leader's Vitality

Even spiritual exercises and disciplines can be terribly hollow. The real center is hearing God's voice and obeying his Word.
Richard Foster
As we are involved in unceasing thinking, so we are called to unceasing prayer.
Henri Nouwen

The crying need of the spiritual leader, someone once pointed out, is "a sense of the spiritual center." But how does a leader develop that sense? What roads lead to increased spiritual vitality?

Discussing those questions are two men who have ventured on the inner journey and written eloquently of their travels.

Richard Foster has been a Quaker pastor in California and Oregon. He taught at George Fox College and now teaches at Friends University in Wichita, Kansas. He has written Celebration of Discipline; Freedom of Simplicity; and Money, Sex & Power (all Harper & Row), books that call for increased commitment to live the Christian life. Yet it's obvious from Foster's quick laugh and soft eyes that for him Christian commitment doesn't mean something hard and ...

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