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Controlling the Flow of Information

When God calls us to control information in the best interest of others, he can also be trusted to control the situation.
—Jack Hayford

Several years ago we entered into a purchase agreement to buy a church building and property that also happened to house a private school. The purchase agreement specified that we would assume operation of the school and pledge to keep it open for at least a year and a half, giving the faculty and administration ample time to relocate. We were hoping to begin a school ourselves at some future date, so the agreement appeared to work to everyone's benefit.

The agreement stipulated that once we began making deposits to an escrow account, we were legally and financially in charge of the school's operations. All was going smoothly when disaster struck.

Routine inspections that had accompanied the standard closing procedures revealed a significant amount of asbestos in the school building. The previous owners had known that some asbestos material existed but had ...

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