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3 Ways to Stay Sane This Easter Season

Yes, it's possible to relax during your busiest time of the year.
3 Ways to Stay Sane This Easter Season
Image: Kaniz Photo / Getty Images

Few times in the year present more pressure and stress for pastors than the week before Easter. The demands feel so overwhelming that we often lose our own center in Jesus during our celebration of the most important moment in history. So allow me to offer to you, in a few words, three reminders that may help you relax in Jesus as Easter approaches.

1. Do the Will of Jesus

Success is first and foremost doing what God has asked us to do, doing it his way, and in his timing.

Years ago, when I was first wrestling with redefining success, I imagined what it might be like to come before God’s throne at the end of my earthly life and say, “Here, God, is what I have done for you. We had 500 new people on Good Friday and Easter!” Then he would respond, “Pete, I love you, but that was not what I gave you to do. I didn’t ask you to neglect your family for the last three weeks and push your volunteers beyond their limits.”

Think with me for a moment about some of God’s ...

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