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'Curator': The New Line on Your Pastor's Job Description?

Why churches expect their leaders to gatekeep Christian content.
'Curator': The New Line on Your Pastor's Job Description?
Image: Samuel Zeller / Unsplash

“So . . . who exactly is Tim Keller, anyways?”

I can still remember when this question came from a longtime, faithful member of my church. At the time, I couldn’t believe he didn’t recognize the well-known, respected pastor of New York’s Redeemer Presbyterian Church. Had he not read TheReason for God? The Meaning of Marriage? Counterfeit Gods? Apparently not.

But really, why would he? Unlike me—who had spent a majority of his adult life in Christian ministry, swimming in theology and names like Chandler, Stanley, and Dobson—this faithful brother worked long hours and spent very little time online. He wasn’t on Twitter. He didn’t get the latest Christian book catalogues, and he probably didn’t know what a podcast was (lucky guy). What this brother did have, though, was an earnest desire to learn, study, and grow in his Christian faith—and he looked to me, his pastor, to let him know what he should be reading and consuming.

This ...

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