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Forgotten Kingdom?

And other items of interest from ministry and culture.
Forgotten Kingdom?

For some "kingdom" means acting in the public sector for the common good in order to create a world with better conditions. For others it has come to mean little more than salvation, or what I call "redemptive moments." But those two definitions are gross reductions of what the Bible says. Kingdom includes ethics (though they are not to be secularized as progressives sometimes do) and it brings redemption (as many Christians are prone to say), but those are only two aspects of a much fuller story about kingdom in the Bible. Until we get each of the elements into play we are not looking at what the Bible is saying.

Worship Sandwich

"… As for reciting creeds, well, no: evangelicals normally do not recite creeds in our services. Evangelicals that are not part of liturgical traditions—and that's most of us—instead tend to worship in 'hymn sandwich' services: lots of singing, with maybe a greeting and some announcements in the interstices, ...

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