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The Age of DisIncarnation

Like Jesus, we must accept, even embrace, our embodied limitations.
The Age of DisIncarnation

Our family was standing among thousands of others in front of Cinderella's Castle at Walt Disney World. Music soared. Fireworks turned night into day, and the entire facade of the castle came alive with projected images.

But not everyone was impressed. Next to me was a boy, about 10 years old, pecking on a screen inches from his eyes, oblivious to the hurricane of light, sound, and color around him. His body was at Disney World, but his mind was lost in the immaterial world of pixels. As I looked over the crowd, I saw many other kids—and some parents—focused on screens, seemingly unaware of the spectacle before them. If this couldn't get their attention, I thought, nothing ever would. We have entered the age of dis-incarnation.

When Jesus came to dwell among us, Paul says, he "emptied himself" to take on flesh (Phil. 2:7, ESV). This means he willingly set aside some of his divine attributes, like omnipresence, to occupy a physical body. Scripture tells ...

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