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The Relational Pastor

Leadership Journal reviews

Sharing in Christ By Sharing Ourselves
By Andrew Root (IVP, 2013)

The Facts: Professor of youth and family ministry at Luther Seminary, Andrew Root, challenges pastors to examine their motivations in creating relationships. Are we seeking relationships to serve others and promote the gospel? Or are we seeking them in order to gain strategic connections and advance our own agendas? As a former Young Life staffer, Root has plenty of experiences to complement his thoughtful biblical engagement. The Relational Pastor will fuel valuable discussion on any leadership team.

The Slant: It is not often you find a work that is so full of practical relational insight, while maintaining theological depth. Root's work doesn't offer anything shockingly novel, but it is a theologically rich call to refocus on the relational side of ministry.—Andrew E. Stoddard

Accidental Pharisees

Avoiding Pride, Exclusivity, and the Other Dangers of Overzealous Faith
By Larry Osborne (Zondervan, 2012)

The Facts: Teaching ...

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