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No More Spectators

Equipping everyone to fulfill the Great Commission.
No More Spectators

My good friend who's a theater director told me church should work a lot more like the theater.

He went on to support his theory.

The theater director is in charge of the entire production. The director picks the play, modifies it, and casts a vision for its presentation. It's the director who shapes the actors and even gives input about costumes and set design.

He "blocks" the actors' movements on the stage, tells them when they are delivering their lines in a way that doesn't make sense, and works with them individually to perfect their parts. He rehearses with them daily, helping the actors make the story come to life.

He is extremely visible when the play is in rehearsal. But on performance nights, the director becomes invisible.

Often, the director sits in the crowd and no one even knows. The actors take ownership; the play is in their hands. The director will meet with the actors after the performance and give them "notes" on their work for the night. ...

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