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Easy on the Ears?

My six-year-old daughter is the most competitive personality in our home. While the other kindergarteners on her t-ball team are picking dandelions in the outfield, Lucy remains vigilant and "baseball ready" for every pitch. She recently came home disappointeded from a summer backyard Bible camp.

"The games were too easy," she insisted. "They need to make it harder to win."

Lucy's desire to be challenged reveals a fact often neglected in our culture—we only grow when we are uncomfortable, and too much comfort can be downright dangerous. For example, a recent FAA study found that pilots are losing critical flying skills because they are under-challenged by state-of-the art planes that virtually fly themselves. Ironically, the push for safety through computer flying is leading to more accidents as pilots "abdicate too much responsibility to automated systems."

I wonder if something similar happens in the church. With the best of intentions, we have tried to make worship a comfortable ...

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