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The Most Important Conversation of the Day

Kids know when it happens—be prepared to make the most of this valuable time.

In a typical day, an average adult will speak about 16,000 words. When you consider all the meetings, phone calls, presentations, questions, answers, and opining that make up your day, you might wonder if this average is too low. But not all your words are equally important. An important question to ask: which conversation will be the most important? That's the conversation that deserves your best effort.

Teenagers get it. Studies show that 65 percent of youth would give up a weeknight activity with friends to be able to eat another meal with their own family. Another study reveals that half of teenagers identify the best time to talk with parents about something important to them as during (or right after) a meal. They have figured out that the conversation around a meal is the most important of the day. And the same is true for you and me. So let's look at five practical ways to do mealtime well.

  1. Alternate who says the prayer. Wait, doesn't this abdicate a parent's role as the spiritual head of the family? Short answer: no. In fact, rotating this responsibility makes praying feel both easy and a natural thing to do for kids of all ages (adults, too). Plus, it reinforces the accessibility of God to everyone—not just adults. Consider the speaking skills developed during a time when, if mom or dad always prays, the kids might otherwise zone out.
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