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Friday Five Interview: Jim Belcher

Going on a pilgrimage to renew your passion.

For today's entry in the Friday Five interview series, we catch up with Jim Belcher.

Jim Belcher is the author of Deep Church and In Search of Deep Faith. He is Professor at Knox Theological Seminary in Fort Lauderdale.

Today we chat with Jim about shallow faith, heroes, and pilgrimages.

Your last book, Deep Church, attempted a "third way" between evangelical emergents and traditionalists. What has changed in that conversation since it's publication?

As a movement, I think, the emerging church has splintered and lost most of its momentum. But the questions they raised and the protests they lodged have not gone away. For a number of years they put their finger on what was wrong in the evangelical church—individualism, weak ecclesiology, and in-grown churches. These questions often became a catalyst for change in the evangelical church, at least in certain sections of the church. For example, there is now a growing awareness that the church has to rediscover the gospel that ...

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