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Not going to the chapel

Leaders, Listen to Donald Miller

He's a snapshot of changing Christian attitudes about church.
Leaders, Listen to Donald Miller

Over at Storyline, Don Miller responds to his controversial post from Monday, the one that launched a thousand "responses." (A "prescription for spiritual suicide" one blogger commented.)

While I see little in the original post to garner more than a pleasant but meager "Thanks for sharing, Don. I've felt that way too sometimes," Miller's response to the backlash is considerably more enlightening for those interested in the changing Christian views on the local church and the weekly gathering.

EDIT: For those wondering if this post is a Miller Lite endorsement; it's not. I disagree deeply with his perspective and posture at multiple points. But I'm glad he vocalized it. Leaders should not follow him into whatever fuzzy space he's espousing, but we can listen and learn.

Notable sections:

Don introspects:

Reading the comments from Monday's blog let me know how far my personal spiritual journey has taken me from modern evangelicalism. ...
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