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Developing Future Leaders

Seven principles for training the next generation of church leaders.
Developing Future Leaders

Every church needs leaders. It is the most stated need I hear from churches. But new leaders don't just magically appear. They must be identified and developed. We must systematically train them up.

Paul told Timothy, "And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others" (2 Tim. 2:2). Paul wanted to ensure future followers of Jesus would be vibrant and faithful. We should have a similar desire. Here are seven principles for building up the kind of leaders that will champion the faith well into the future.

1. Nurture their inner lives.

We can't just train leaders to employ tried-and-true methods to achieve the objectives of long-standing committees. Focus on the things that don't change: teach them how to commune with Christ, how to love his mission and his church. Methods vary. But future leaders will always need an authentic and deep faith to sustain them through the journey of ...

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