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The 2012 Leadership Book Awards

We highly recommend these titles as you strive to develop your leadership gifts.

Each year seems to have more and more tasks with less and less time to accomplish them. All too often important but non-urgent activities like reading get put aside—and then abandoned altogether. But each year there are a handful of books that are just too good to miss. That's why we do The Leadership Book Awards. We know you're busy. That's why we comb through stacks of titles, and enlist the help of our contributing editors, to determine which few titles are worth your valuable time. We trust this year's winners will nurture your soul while equipping you for more effective ministry.

The Leader's Inner Life

Best of The Best:
Pastoral Graces
Reflections on the Care of Souls
by Lee Eclov (Moody)

"Oh, my, a book on the pastorate that is about, well, pastoring, shepherding! It's a rare breed in our ambitious and managerial age. But it's a biblical breed who knows that the minister is, from first to last, a minister of God's grace."—Mark Galli

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