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To Change, Or Not To Change

Your comments on the changing nature of the M.Div.

The future of seminary education ("Does the M.Div. have a future?") was much discussed last week here on Ur. Here are some relevant selections from the comments for your viewing pleasure ... or displeasure, depending on your educational views.

K.W. Leslie—No offense to those who have one, but I know more than a few people who consider an M.Div or a D.Div to be an empty degree … It has a future, but only if schools crack down on what it takes to earn one, and stop handing out honorary degrees to the sort of people who will abuse them.

Adam Shields—Pastoral ministry needs to be more focused on apprentice training. Not that real education is not important, I think that it is. But that similar to a law degree, the reality of the practice is quite different from the academic study of scripture, theology and pastoral care … The other reality is the large number of people that are moving into pastoral ministry jobs but are not teaching pastors. Large churches, multi-site churches need more specialized ...

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