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Do You Have What it Takes to Lead?

Three tests to determine if someone is ready to lead.

Lead long enough and you gather trade secrets. Take, for example, my relationship with my wife. Early on, we decided that I would make all the big decisions for our home, and she would make the small ones.

So I get to decide our family's stances on major issues. Should the United States Censure North Korea? Should Puerto Rico be granted statehood? Should Peyton Manning be pulled when the Broncos have a 24-point lead in the fourth quarter? These are the things that demand my leadership.

My wife, however, decides the small things: where we live, where I work, who our friends are, and how our money is distributed. You know—the little things.

It's an arrangement that works well for us. However, occasionally our spheres of authority collide. She is our social director. That means she schedules the dinners we must attend. But sometimes I watch sports on nights when she has planned social engagements. She's good at checking with me about my TV sports schedule and plans accordingly. But she ...

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