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Run for Your Life!

Your instinct to run away from it all just might transform you.

Some of you are in a season of life where ministry is rewarding, fruitful, and fun. The staff is gelling, the difficult decisions you made last year were the right ones, and you have a renewed sense of passion and focus. Your spouse even likes your sermons lately. Life is good.

If that's you, I'm thrilled for you. Ride that wave. I hope it lasts a very long time.

But this piece is not for you.

This is for those of you who want to run for your life.

This is for those of you who woke up Monday morning to an email that ruined the rest of your day, and it has a good shot of ruining the rest of your week.

It's for those of you who are dealing with a thorny staff issue, which is turning out to be an energy-sucking sinkhole, and it isn't getting better.

It's for those of you who sit at Starbucks and pray that your appointment won't show up, so you can have an hour (or seven) to yourself.

It's for those of you who feel defective after slogging through ...

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